Roman board game

Archaeological reconstruction of board games of the ancient world in wood and leather: Terni Lapilli, a Roman strategy game, was drawn in the shape of boxes, crossed lines and especially in a wheel shaped diagram on the stones of ambulatories of amphitheatres, on floors of public monuments and on the steps of many theatres. Ludus Latrunculorum, a Roman game of strategy and direct battle; simple but also very exciting because of its rules and also for its strategy. Our version is the most faithful to the documentation provided by the sources and it simulates a clash between two armies. This game is considered one of the ancestors of the chess game. Roman race and strategy board games Tabula and Duodecim Scripta are ancestors of the modern backgammon.



Terni Lapilli


Roman strategy game.

Terni lapilli was drawn in the shape of boxes, crossed lines and especially in a wheel shaped diagram on the stones of ambulatories of amphitheatres, on floors of public monuments and on the steps of many theatres. This game is the ancestor of the modern Tic-Tac-Toe, but has different rules that make the game very interesting compared with the current version. Because of its simplicity, it is recommended to learn the logic of the board games.




Roman strategy game.

Tria is the expanded version of terni lapilli, but should not to be confused with it. You can see it on various Roman monuments and also on medieval buildings that reuse stones from the previous era. The game is played with nine pieces instead of three and allows a greater possibility of moves, and the strategy is quite different from the terni lapilli’s ones.



Ludus Latrunculorum


This is a Roman game of strategy and direct battle; simple but also very exciting because of its rules and also for its strategy. Our version is the most faithful to the documentation provided by the sources and it simulates a clash between two armies composed of eight soldiers. This game is considered one of the ancestors of the chess game.


Duodecim Scripta


Roman race and strategy board game.

In order to move the pieces, players should launch three dice; the path is often composed of the letters of six Latin words arranged on purpose to create puns, jokes and even menus of taverns, also to the detriment of grammar rules. This game is the predecessor of the Tabula and an ancestor of the modern backgammon.


Note: Duodecim scripta is available in various phrases found in several cities of the Roman Empire, the most famous phrase came from the Castrum of the Praetorians, but there are also versions with simple geometric or floral signs.




Roman race and strategy board game.

The Tabula, most likely derived from the Duodecim Scripta, is also an ancestor of the modern backgammon. Faster than the Duodecim Scripta, this is an exciting game and combines strategy, speed and luck. Pieces are moved according to the rolling of three dice. The rules are acquired from the famous match played by Zeno.

  • Terni lapilli

    Terni lapilli

  • Tria


  • Ludus latrunculorum

    Ludus latrunculorum

  • Duodecim scripta

    Duodecim scripta

  • Tabula


Terni lapilliTriaLudus latrunculorumDuodecim scriptaTabula